Wednesday, September 14, 2011

First Time Liturgist

In the last week or two I have had a lot of firsts. First staff meeting, first class ever taught, first chanted liturgy ever accompanied on the organ, first service ever played on the organ...

About two weeks ago, I led in singing for my first service at Our Savior. It was a mid-week service, and I designed the liturgy. Pastor gave me the freedom to build it from the ground up. Seeing as how we just survived "hurricane" Irene, we decided to focus the service on giving thanks for protection and declaring our trust. The music was sung out of the hymnal and accompanied by guitar, bass, and djembe. Durring communion, we sang more contemporary music with the lyrics projected on the screens. I feel it came off very well, I was happy with the results, and the response I received was good. Music aside (love doing hymns on guitar!), I am fairly proud of my first liturgy, so I thought I'd post it here. Perhaps someone out there can use it. LSB stands for "Lutheran Service Book," which is the current hymnbook for our denomination (LCMS) and an outstanding compilation of sacred song and prayer. I am especially proud of the litany, which I composed.

Wednesday, August 31st, 7:00 p.m.
Pre-Service Music: Instrumental
Opening Song: Eternal Father, Strong to Save, LSB 717 (w/ opt. navy stanzas 2 & 3)
Call to Worship: Psalm 121, read responsively, LSB
Hymn: O God Our Help in Ages Past, LSB 733
Hymn: Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me, LSB 761
Reading: Psalm 107: 1-3, 23-32
Sermon Hymn: Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me, LSB 715
Sermon: Pastor Stelzer - “Jesus in the midst of Life’s Storms” - Luke 8:22-25
Response: Psalm 46: unison reading, LSB
Fellowship Cards, Announcements, and Offering
Offertory Hymn: The King of Love My Shepherd Is, LSB 709
Thanksgiving Litany: “We give thanks to the Lord in prayer, inviting you to respond together saying, ‘We give you thanks,’ after you hear, ‘Lord, for these mercies.’”
-For being merciful to us while nature expressed its wrath and protecting us from injury and death...
-For the wisdom and technology which gave us ample warning and adequate time to do what we could to prepare...
-For your guiding hand which causes the destructive forces of nature to have their limits and ends...
-For the well trained and diligent disaster relief workers who are sent to bring us aid...
-For the additional time we were provided to spend with loved ones as we battened down the hatches...
-For giving to all the strength to work toward recovery and restoration of communities...
-For your comfort given to those who lost homes, possessions, health, and family...
-For hearts in which you have used catastrophe to bring about repentance and faith...
-For the opportunity given to your church to be a witness in the midst of trials and suffering...
-For the hope which you give that causes us to rise above trials and suffering...
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Words of Institution
The Lord’s Prayer
Distribution Songs:
You Are My Hiding Place
Mighty To Save
Shout to the Lord
Everlasting God
Post Communion Collect:
Benediction: E: Go in peace to love and serve the Lord. A: Thanks be to God.
Recessional Song: God Bless Our Native Land LSB 965
Postlude: Instrumental

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